Welcome to the Mournes!!! You are very welcome. I've compiled this guide for you with 40+ suggestions of things you may like to do or see while you're here. I'm not super outdoorsy and I don't have kids so I haven’t personally tried all the offerings but I do know most of the providers and have no hesitation in commending them to you. I hope you find it useful. As a 'foreign local' (an Australian who now lives in Rostrevor) I bring a unique perspective.
This Guide is provided to you free of charge because I love this area and want to see you discover the magic tucked into every corner. The companies I have included do great work and deserve all the support in the world They have not paid to be included. There are a few official sponsors who did chip in to help cover the print cost and I am so grateful! The Rostrevor Inn, Valentinos, Rostrevor and Ghan House in Carlingford. Check them out at the back of the guide.
Whether you travel to immerse yourself in history, see beautiful sites, try new adventurous activities or enjoy different foods the Mournes has it all. I hope your time here is fun and refreshing, and filled with fabulous memories!
Check out our sponsors below!!